YMCA DG response to Covid-19

During lockdown, the Beach Hotel made a commitment to the local community to provide 24 rooms to people who would have been rough sleeping. Already, we have seen 8 individuals move into permanent homes. Our continued commitment is to ensure all of our residents move on positively and do not end back in the streets.

We have therefore made the decision to partially open the beach hotel. You will be able to visit and enjoy our award-winning café, but our hotel rooms will not be available to book. We hope to reopen our rooms towards the end of the year.

This commitment falls in line with our wider charity values, that everyone should have a safe place to stay. We hope you will understand and support this.

As we partially reopen our doors, we are continuing to follow government guidelines. This includes regular deep cleans, maintenance of social distancing and, if necessary, the use of masks.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank you for all your support and well wishes during this time, we look forward to finally welcoming you back with a fresh coffee and slice of our famous homemade cakes.

Don’t forget to follow our Facebook page for regular updates from the team!